What is MASC?

Maryland Association of Student Councils

The Maryland Association of Student Councils (MASC) is an organization of public and private secondary school student councils in the state of Maryland.  Students are not only the leaders of the future but the leaders of today and defend as well as promote the interests, rights, and well-being of all students in the state of Maryland.

As an organization, we strive to accomplish three things:

Leadership Development

We hold various conferences for students throughout the year around the state where trained student leaders facilitate workshops written by students for students.  We also participate in initiatives and services pertinent to youth.

Student Advocacy

We communicate with the Maryland General Assembly as well as various interest groups advocating for student rights. Importantly, we nominate two students, one of whom is appointed by the Governor to serve as a voting member on the State Board of Education, appoint four students to serve on the Maryland Youth Advisory Committee (MYAC), and appoint a voting student member to serve on the Maryland Center for School Safety’s Advisory to the Subcabint (Safe Schools Act of 2018).

Promote Communication

Student leaders around the state unite under MASC through similar networks on regional (county/Baltimore City) levels which communicate to individual middle and high schools. Through this structure, we are able to share ideas and gather as a general assembly to take stances on issues.

What Does MASC Do?

The Mission of MASC

The mission of MASC is to foster a statewide environment for all secondary school students to express and exchange opinions and ideas, develop leadership skills, and promote student representation and involvement in all groups and organizations impacting the lives of students.

Goals and Objectives


I. Communication

A.  To facilitate effective communication among MASC elected officers, Executive Board, regions, member schools, and groups impacting students

1.  To distribute a monthly newsletter to provide information about MASC
2.  To maintain and update the MASC website
3.  To hold quarterly Executive Board meetings with representation from each of the regional organizations
4.  To provide member schools with the opportunity to give feedback on the policies and activities of MASC
5.  To serve as the liaison between the State Board of Education and the students of Maryland
6.  To provide student liaisons to statewide task forces and committees that address issues concerning students

B.  To create a statewide network of student leaders

1. To expand the role of the Executive Board to serve as a resource to MASC member schools and regions
2. To provide opportunities for student leaders to interact with their peers from across the state
3. To provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas at each MASC activity

C.  To provide a positive image of Maryland’s students through ongoing communication with the media and the general public

1. To model and share a code of ethics for student leaders
2. To create positive media connections
3. To increase media coverage of MASC events and programs

II. Leadership Development

A.  To provide leadership development opportunities as a component of each MASC conference and Executive Board meeting
1.  To provide substantive and informative workshops for delegates that empower students to enhance their own student councils and their surroundings
B. To provide students with the opportunity to experience public service and civic education firsthand
C.  To utilize and expand the formal partnership with the Maryland Leadership Workshops (MLW)
D.  To provide member schools with resources to enhance their own organizations.
1.  To encourage the improvement of member schools through an awards program
2.  To provide informative mailings to member schools addressing the issues and concerns of individual school student councils

III. Representation and Involvement

A. To promote representation and involvement of all secondary schools and regions in MASC

1. To have representation from the MASC regions and all counties at all MASC functions
2.  To identify new methods of improving services to regions and member schools
3.  To increase involvement in MASC from underrepresented regions
4.  To bolster committees

B. To represent student viewpoints to policymakers
1. To recommend and advocate for the placement of students on boards, commissions, and groups that impact students.
2.  To present the MASC position and the student viewpoint on issues affecting students to the State Board of Education, the State Legislature, and other decision-making bodies
3.  To empower students to present their viewpoints to policymakers
4.  To provide member schools the opportunity to give input on the Constitution, MASC platform, and policies