MASC Regions

Below is a listing of the recognized MASC Regions.  When available, a link to a regional website is provided.

ACASC Allegany County Association of Student Councils
ASCBC Associated Student Congress of Baltimore City (Twitter ASCBC)
BCJC Baltimore County Junior Councils
BCSC Baltimore County Student Councils
CASC Calvert Association of Student Councils
CCASC Charles County Association of Student Councils
• CCCSC Cecil County Council of Student Councils
CCSGA Carroll County Student Government Association
CRASC (Anne Arundel County) Chesapeake Region Association of Student Councils
FCASC Frederick County Association of Student Councils
GCASC Garrett County Association of Student Councils
HCRASC Harford County Regional Association of Student Councils
HCASC Howard County Association of Student Councils
• KCASG Kent County Association of Student Governments
• MCJC Montgomery County Junior Councils (middle school)
MCR Montgomery County Region of the MD Assoc. of Student Councils (high schools)
PGRASG Prince George’s Regional Association of Student Governments
• SMASC  St. Mary’s Association of Student Councils
WCASC  Washington County Association of Student Councils

Other Counties:
Queen Anne’s