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Publicity Ideas – Compilation
NASC Communications Toolkit:
• Writing a News Release (NASCNewsReleaseWriting)
• Communicate Successfully with a Plan (CommunicateSuccessfullyWithAplan)
• Positive Image (PositiveImage)
• Writing/Delivering Effective Messages (Writing.DeliveringEffectiveMessage)
• Nature of Persuasion (NatureofPersuasion)
This section includes a short overview of publicity techniques/hints and an overview of public relations.
- Public Relations & Publicity – a quick definition and philosophy
- PA Announcements – hints on different ways to present a public address announcement
- PA Speech – hints on your voice pitch, breathing, etc.
- PA Form – a sample form for students to use to submit announcements
- PA Sample – a sample of announcements for elections
- Announcements Posted – a sample form to use to post announcements
- Bulletin Boards – some guidelines to make eye-catching, quick bulletin boards
- Poster Ideas – lots of suggestions to make great posters
- Posters – large – tips for making large posters
- Lettering Techniques – tips for lettering (guidelines, styles, etc.)
- Hints & Techniques – tips for making quality posters (glueing, etc.)
- Publicity Ideas – lots and lots of ideas for publicity techniques
- Publicity Requests – a form that student councils can distribute and record publicity efforts
- Publicity Considerations – things to consider in using different publicity techniques
- Sample PA Announcements – soundtracks
Canned Food
Audio Player
Audio Player
Audio Player
Mother’s Day
Audio Player
Pumpkin Carving
Audio Player
Spirit Day
Audio Player