Green Goals

Green Goals:


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August 2024: The summer is always packed with fun, games, and excitement. As you enjoy your summer, here are some top ways that you can stay sustainable while having fun.

1.  Explore Local Farmers Markets – The summer is the peak season for farmers’ markets. These markets support local farmers and sustainably grown produce. Food grown at smaller, local farms is less likely to have harmful, toxic pesticides and artificial fertilizers used in the growing process. In addition, local produce doesn’t have to travel nearly as far, which means it’s fresher and produces less greenhouse gas emissions from transport.

2.  Garden – Similar to food at farmers’ markets, produce and herbs grown in your backyard are superbly sustainable. When you grow your food, you reduce your carbon footprint and avoid harmful chemicals and pesticides that corporate farms use. Plus, you don’t have to garden alone! Starting a community garden is a great bonding activity for your neighborhood or community. You can even purchase a greenhouse cover to keep it going past summer!

3.  Participate in a Local Cleanup – Participating in a neighborhood, park, stream, or beach cleanup is a great way to help protect our local waterways, land, and ecosystem. It also gives you time to get outside and hang out with friends and family. It can be as simple as picking up any trash you see while walking your dog or as organized as getting your whole neighborhood involved.

4.  Bike or Walk Instead of Driving – Instead of driving to nearby summer destinations, consider biking or walking. These modes of transportation produce no emissions, are great forms of exercise, and are fun. You can explore local trails, parks, or scenery, all while reducing your carbon footprint and promoting a healthy lifestyle for you and your friends/family.

5.  Host an Eco-Friendly Picnic – Organize a picnic with your friends and family using sustainable practices. Choose a local park, beach, or your backyard, and bring reusable utensils, plates, bowls, and napkins. Bring locally sourced foods (perhaps from a local farmers market, or your garden!) and beverages. Avoid single-use plastics and strive to use biodegradable or reusable items. You’ll enjoy a great meal outdoors, and will also minimize waste and support environmentally friendly practices.