Board of Directors

Meet the people serving on the Board of Directors for MASC

Jeremy Brown- Chair and REgional Advisor
Karen Crawford – Acting Executive Director – Acting President
Andrew Boone – Treasurer
TBD – Secretary
Lumina Zhang – Student
Michael Hagan – At Large
Nina Marks – At Large
Wayne Perry – Registered Agent

Chair:  TBD

President and Executive Director: Karen Crawford
MASC Connections – Acting MASC Executive Director ((June 2018 – Oct 2019), Montgomery County Regional Advisor (1999-2014), Montgomery County Junior Councils Regional Advisor (1990-1995, 2012)

Karen Crawford has worked with student leaders since 1977 as a junior high school student council advisor.  Since then, she progressed to working at the county, state, and national levels in specific positions or in facilitating workshops.  From 1999-2014, as the administrator of student leadership in Montgomery County Public Schools, Karen worked directly with her county middle and high school student council advisors and county and state-level student leaders. Retiring in 2014, her continued work with student leaders exemplifies the simple philosophy, “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”  Currently serving as the volunteer Assistant Executive Director of the Maryland Association of Student Councils (MASC), Karen is passionate about supporting the student voice and enjoys working with student leaders to address issues and create change in their schools and communities. She holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of Maryland, a master’s in Special Education from Bowie State University, and an Administration and Supervision Certification from Johns Hopkins University.

Treasurer: Andrew Boone
MASC Connections: MASC Alumni

Secretary: TBD

Student: Lumina Zhang
MASC Connections: Divison 4 Liaison 2022-2023; MASC Treasurer 2023-2024

Lumina Zhang (she/her) is a senior at Winston Churchill High School in Montgomery County. She has been involved in student leadership in her school, county, and statewide student governments since sixth grade. From 2022-2023, she served in MASC as the Division 4 Liaison, where she focused on closing the opportunity gap and ensuring equity. In 2023-2024, she served as the MASC Treasurer, implementing many innovative fundraisers and kickstarting the Catherine Nora Murray Scholarship Fund. Lumina is also the Co-Founder and Co-President of Eco MoCo, a national student-led nonprofit that develops youth leadership skills through environmental projects. At school, she is the president of multiple student organizations, including the Class of 2025, Student Government Association, TEDx Club, EcoArt, Chinese Honor Society, Pop for a Cause Churchill, and more. Outside of advocacy, Lumina enjoys playing piano, singing, composing music, and trying on business casual outfits. This year, as Board of Directors Student Representative, Lumina is excited to bring the student voice to many important MASC decisions and continue the implementation of the scholarship!

At Large Member: Michael Hagan
MASC Connections: MASC President 2010-2011; MASC State Legislative Affairs Coordinator 2009-2010; MASC Legislative Assistant 2008-2009; MCJC Regional President 2006-2007

Michael Hagan is an award-winning creative communications professional specializing in higher education enrollment marketing and publications. He is a staff writer for Providence College News and Magazine in Providence, Rhode Island. He holds a B.A. in History and English and an M.A. in American and modern European history from Providence College. He is currently pursuing an M.A. in theology from the same institution. Until recently, he was a longtime staff member at Maryland Leadership Workshops where he designed and facilitated summer residential programs for middle school students in addition to co-directing staff training. In high school, Michael was president of MASC after serving as legislative affairs coordinator and parliamentarian. His years in MASC remain among his fondest memories and most important formative experiences, and he is committed to advancing the organization as a space where students meaningfully engage in democracy, develop leadership capacities, and build friendships.

At Large Member: Nina Marks
MASC Connections: State SMOB 2011-2012; MASC Publications Coordinator 2010-2011: MASC Health & Social Issues Coordinator 2009-2010

Nina Marks is a trial attorney in Baltimore City at the Maryland Office of the Public Defender. She believes strongly in the mission of the Office of the Public Defender, that zealous advocacy is a civil right afforded to anyone facing the loss of liberty. She holds a JD from the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law and her B.A. in Government and Politics with a minor in Secondary Education from the University of Maryland. In high school, Nina was the Student Member on the State Board of Education after serving in other roles within MASC. MASC helped Nina develop her advocacy skills which she continues to utilize in her current practice.

Registrar: Wayne Perry
MASC Connections: Harford County Regional Advisor (HCRASC) for many years!

Wayne Perry is a retired principal from Harford County, Maryland, and holds a BS in Music Education from Towson University and an MA in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Maryland, College Park. He currently is an adjunct supervisor in educational leadership for McDaniel College Graduate School. Wayne has served as the MASC Registrar since 2004 after several additional years as the regional advisor to the Harford County Regional Association of Student Councils. Wayne has a deep commitment to youth leadership development that enables young people to be meaningfully involved in their communities at school and at home. Whether serving with a title or without, Wayne believes that empowered with leadership skills, everyone can contribute to the success of their nation, their communities, their families, and their own lives.

Regional Advisor: Jeremy Brown
MASC Connections – Linganore High School student council advisor since 2000 and Frederick County Association of Student Councils (FCASC) regional advisor since 2016

Jeremy Brown has served as regional advisor for the Frederick County Association of Student Councils FCASC).  Since 2000, he has also served as the advisor to the Linganore High School (LHS) student government association.  Mr. Brown works as a Work-Based Learning Coordinator at LHS in Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS).  He has been a teacher and leader for FCPS for over 25 years.  Mr. Brown began his work at LHS as Team Leader/Project Coordinator for a USDE Smaller Learning Communities grants to develop and implement a first-year student academy program.

Mr. Brown teaches multiple levels of Career Research and Development coursework, including dual enrollment courses.  He supervises students in Work-Study, Mentor-Internship, Student Service Learning, and Youth Apprentice programs.  He is the FCPS Youth Apprentice Teacher Coordinator. He serves on a number of county, regional, and state committees and advisory groups.

Mr. Brown is the academic awards and graduation coordinator at his school and serves as faculty advisor to the Key Club.  Outside his roles in FCPS, he currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Center for Dependable Strengths and is a past member of the Board of Directors for the James Madison University Alumni Association.  He is an adjunct professor at Frederick Community College.  When not working, he is an active traveler and serves as a volunteer for the Olympic Games.