• Event Date: Saturday, November 23, 2024
• Location: TBD
• On-site Check-in: 8:30-9:30 a.m.
• Event: 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
• Registration opens: Monday, October 29, 2024
• Registration closes: Friday, November 15, 2024
• Substitutions: Accepted up to and including on-site check-in
• Signed Registration/Invoice Submission: (just the signed invoice – NOT payment!)
• Last Date to Cancel for Refunds: Monday, November 18, 2024
• Cost: $30 for students and advisors ($25 for selected workshop presenters – MASC will send an email to school/regional advisors)
• Dress code: Casual. Students are encouraged to wear jeans and their school shirts
IMPORTANT: Due to the host school system’s policies, our on-site nurse will not be able to collect or administer medication at this event. Consequently, medications will not be collected by the nurse, and any medication your students may require while at the event will need to be carried and administered by the attending advisor or by the students themselves. Please check with your school system’s field trip medication policies and plan accordingly.
NOTE: For returning advisors, you will be prompted to log in. If you forgot your password, follow the instructions provided for retrieving it. If your school did not attend an event in past years, you will be prompted to create an account. As always, if you have questions, contact the MASC Registrar at wayne.perry@mdstudentcouncils.org
• Invitation Letter: 2023-FLC-Invite-Letter (pdf file)
• Registration Checklist: pdf-RegistrationChecklist-FLC2023 Word-RegistrationChecklist-FLC2023
• Registration Worksheet: pdf-RegistrationWorksheet-FLC2023 Word-RegistrationWorksheet-FLC2023
• Emergency Form: pdf–EmergencyForm2023FLC Word–EmergencyForm2023FLC
• Middle School Workshop Descriptions & High School Workshop Choices: pdf–FLC2023Workshops
• Schedule: pdf FLC2023Schedule
All advisors and delegates must bring an emergency form to turn in at the conference. Just prior to the event, advisors will receive instructions on how to retrieve their on-site check-in form. Review it carefully and follow the instructions provided. Advisors will bring this form to the on-site check-in at the event.
Does my school have to be a MASC member to attend this conference? | No – all secondary schools (public, private, alternative, charter) are invited to attend this first conference. |
Can a student register themself for this conference? | No – registration for all of MASC’s three major conferences must be done through the school’s advisor or an administrator. Part of the registration process is a signed copy of the registration verification that is emailed to MASC’s registrar by a specific deadline. |
Do advisors have to attend the conference? | MASC requires an advisor (or another school-appointed staff member) to attend the conference with their students. One adult can chaperone up to 20 students. |
Can regional advisors register students? | Yes and No – a regional advisor may register the regional president, 2nd vice president/middle school representative, and the student member on the Board of Education. Other students should be registered through their school’s advisor/administrator. (Exceptions – please email Nicete.Moodie@mdstudentcouncils.org and Wayne.Perry@mdstudentcouncils.org) |
How will schools pay for this conference? | MASC accepts a school check or credit card – full directions are on the Registration Checklist and in the Confirmation Email sent immediately after online registration submission. |
Do students pay individually or do the schools pay for the students? | This is up to the school. The cost of participating in a MASC event, determined by the number and roles registered, is the responsibility of the school. Many schools use student council funds or principal funds to pay registration fees. Others charge participants all or part of the fees for their participation. In such cases, the student/parent needs to give the cash or check to the school as the school’s registration, completed only by the school advisor or administrator, must be paid by credit card or official school/system check. |
Do workshop presenters get a discounted registration fee? | Yes, for this conference – a MASC Executive Director will send school advisors (and copy regional advisors) a list of the workshop presenters that were selected to present workshops. Please DO NOT list a student as a presenter simply because they said so or have been certified! The list of workshop presenters will be emailed before registration opens. |
Do students/advisors select workshops ahead of time? | Yes (only for High School Students) – High school students will rank order up to five workshops. Based on the requests and available space, they will be assigned three workshops. Middle school students will all attend two workshops (subject to be determined) and Parliamentary Procedures. They will also participate in a Mock General Assembly to practice their parliamentary skills! |
MASC will offer a “MASC Overview” for new advisors.
WORKSHOP PRESENTERS: As MASC is a student-empowered organization; workshops are written and facilitated by trained students. We believe that peer-to-peer teaching is a great technique used in student leadership that allows everyone involved to get the most out of the topic in question. Workshop presenters signed up to teach a middle or high school workshop after the workshop certification event in August and October.
MASC Membership Application (click here). Schools do not need to be a member of MASC in order to attend this conference. MASC depends on the funds from membership and it would be great to have our Maryland schools support the student voice by becoming MASC members. Schools will need to be MASC members in order to register for the Convention.