Vision: National Student Leadership Conference – Expenses Details

Expenses Details:

Approximate Total: based on $200 registration fee, $570 airfare, $25 ground transportation, hotel $129 (4 students one room), $50 pre-conference event, and $100 MASC shirts/trading items = $1,074 (plus one lunch and one dinner on the two travel days)

Registration Fee: The registration cost for the conference is $200 per person which includes daily transportation to and from the hotels, all programming, lunch, dinner, snacks, daily gifts, and all entertainment during the conference.

• Airfare (approximately $500-$600  ) – The MASC delegation will fly in on Thursday morning and participate in the pre-conference event and fly out late on Sunday evening (best rates).  (As of 2.2.25, the best rate on Southwest is $469 plus approximately $100 in taxes) NOTE:  for the last two years, the delegation has set a meeting place at the airport and students booked their flights – many parents have travel points that would greatly reduce the cost of the airfare.

Ground Transportation from Airport to Hotel (arriving) School to Airport (departing) approximately $25 using Uber.  With a small delegation, MASC uses Uber as buses are costly.  So parental permission to ride in an Uber vehicle is needed.  Can usually get a bus from the conference back to the airport or ride with another delegation.

Hotel: Wyndham Grand Oklahoma City Downtown –
VISION conference rate, guaranteed through April 1, 2025:
$109/night (single occupant) + 17.875% tax ($19.48) = $128.48 x three nights = $385.44
$119 (double occupancy) + 17.875% tax ($21.27) = $140.27 x three nights = $420.81 (shared cost $210.41)
$129 (triple occupancy) + 17.875 % tax ($23.05) = $152.05 x three nights = $456.15 (shared cost $152.05)
$139 (four occupants) + 17.875% tax ($24.84) = $163.84 x three nights – $491.52 (shared cost $122.88)

* In the past, if needed, MASC has shared a room with another state delegation to fill the room and save money!!

Pre-Conference Social: Thursday, June 26 at Riversport OKCDelegates can raft, ski, tube, float, and more!  This optional activity costs $50/person and includes an all-you-can-eat dinner buffet and roundtrip bus transportation from the conference hotel.

• MASC tee shirts/crab hat/MD crab pins: $100   This cost is based on getting two MASC tee shirts (approximately $12 each), two crab hats (about $15), MD crab pins ($12 per dozen – students will want several dozen for trading)

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