Publications & Social Media

20 October 2021
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Current and archived copies of MASC publications and other documents can be found on the MASC Documents Page.

Specific Publications
MASC Monthly Bulletin
MASC Quarterly Newsletters
AIMS Quarterly Newsletter
GreenCrabs Quarterly Newsletter 

MASC-appointed staff may request social media posts for their events or to share information.  Regional Advisors/Presidents, or relevant advocacy organizations, may also submit (read the disclaimer on the form).   Link to Google Form

MASC has several publications to help students and advisors stay “in the know” for all things MASC!

• The monthly MASC Bulletin (published at the beginning of each month) includes a brief synopsis of upcoming events, leadership opportunities, and other opportunities and resources outside of MASC.  Links are included for details.

To subscribe to the MASC Bulletin, complete this brief  Google form.
Link to the MASC Bulletin website with current and past years of the Monthly Bulletins.

• The MASC Quarterly Newsletter is a more in-depth seasonal newsletter (written by the Student Publications Coordinators). The MASC Quarterly is published every few months. In each quarterly, you’ll find articles discussing MASC initiatives and recapping past events. You’ll also find information concerning applications, important dates, and exciting milestones for MASC.

• The Briefing has recent MASC highlights and upcoming dates. With recaps, reminders, and upcoming events, the Briefing has a little bit of everything to help you stay informed.

To read current and past Quarterly and Briefings, click on this MASC webpage.

GreenCrabs,” MASC’s environmental newsletter has four to six well-researched and relevant environmental news pieces as well as other interesting features, like upcoming environmental service opportunities and more. Check out the GreenCrabs newsletter (linked on the Green Goals webpage) and click here to subscribe, so you get all future GreenCrabs editions sent straight to your mailbox.

AIMS Quarterly – The Action in Middle School Committee (AIMS) is a middle school student leadership group focused on making a positive impact in their community.  MASC Middle School Focus webpage

Please sign up for the MASC alumni list.  MASC will periodically send an alumni bulletin with news and updates!  Link to Alumni Google Form

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