
Some of these links below are openly shared Google documents. Often you cannot access linked documents in another Google Drive through a school system account. Please consider using a personal or different email whenever you try to access those documents.

On this page, you will find resources for a variety of items.  

These resources are mainly for students of middle and high school age and therefore some resources, although really good, do not meet our target audience. MASC is not an “advertising” organization for all things.  
All the information on this website is published in good faith and for general information purposes only. MASC does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of the information on other websites (labeled as “link to an outside source”).
If you find a “broken link” or feel that any information linked is inappropriate, please contact MASC Executive Director at or the Assistant Executive Director at


A Guide to MASC Acronyms and Abbreviations (pdf file)


Frequently Asked Questions

Middle School Focus

Maryland Student Talk Shows – other Recorded Events

• CRASC – Teen Talk – The College Experience

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Advocacy and Civic Engagement

Link to Outside Sources (MASC has no ownership or control of outside resources)
Maryland Voter Registration
Maryland General Assembly
My School Votes
When We All Vote
Register My Vote


(MASC has no ownership or control of outside resources)

Bus Safety PSA with MASC students
Safe Schools Tip Linedownload the app and report issues online

On-Line Digital Safety & Social Media

Link to Outside Sources (MASC has no ownership or control of outside resources)
#ICANHELP Events and Free Webinars
Reporting Issues & Parent Guidelines for Social Media
Social Media Emergency Plan – sample

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Environmental Items
MASC Monthly Green Goals
MASC Recycling Old Electronics Fundraiser – Support MASC by recycling your old electronics!
MASC Environmental Newsletter:  Green Crabs

• Link to all GreenCrabs Newsletters

Link to Outside Sources (MASC has no ownership or control of outside resources)Composting
Composting at Home Article
A Homeowner’s Guide to Composting
Compost with Coffee Beans
Beginner’s Guide to Composting –  Surprisingly Simple Super Soil
Best Indoor Kitchen Composters
Well Gardening Article

Eco-Friendly Guide for Linen Recycling
Light bulb and other lighting recycling
The Most Important Things You Should Know About Recycling Electronics

Household Recycling and Donation Guide
Phone Case Recycling Guide
Scrap Metal Recycling

Green Initiatives
Starting an Eco-Friendly Business

Becoming A Green School
Maryland Green Schools List
Maryland Association for Environmental & Outdoor Education
 – Application for Green Schools

Youth-friendly Environmental Organizations:
Chesapeake Bay Foundation

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Health & Mental Health

Maryland Mental Health Resources (Google Docs Link)

Link to Outside Sources (MASC has no ownership or control of outside resources)

Work2BeWell Mental Health Resource
       –  Recording of NASSP and Work2BeWell seminars

Work2BeWell: is a digital wellness program focused on positively impacting the emotional well-being of teens and promoting mental health. Check out a ton of free resources! Questions?
• Check out the Work2BWell Podcasts, too! From conversations on social justice and mental health activism to navigating digital learning or supporting mental health during the holidays, we explore topics that build meaningful dialogue and student activation around mental health. Listen on Spotify or Apple Music.

Documentary Trailer & Resources: Hiding in Plain Sight: Ken Burns presents this youth mental illness documentary film by Erik and Christopher Ewers. Work2BeWell is creating 24+ lessons to go with the film that will be released this fall. It’s free to watch on PBS with a school email or a few bucks on Amazon Prime.

Wellness Center wish list (from #ICANHELP)
A Comprehensive Technical Package for the Prevention of Youth Violence and Associated Risk Behaviors (CDC)
National Institute of Mental Health – Brochures and Fact Sheets by Topic
Immediate Help for Mental Illness
Virtual Mental Health Resources (Google Docs Link)
Teen Mental Health During Quarantine
Teenage Depression
Ride Sharing – Sexual Assult Guide
How To Ask Your Parents Or Family For Help With Mental Health Or Substance Use

Home Safety
How to Handle Household Chemicals Safely
Home Safety (written for “elderly homes” but applies to home with children, too!!)

Youth Suicide Prevention School Program – MD Dept. of Education

OneLove – promoting healthy relationships (meets MSDE health curriculum standards)

Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure

Bullying and Cyber-Bullying
Cyber Bullying – Resource for Parents
Family’s Guide to Cyber Bullying and How It Can Be Prevented
10 Ways Parents Can Prevent Cyber-Bullying 

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Service Spotlight

Monthly Service Spotlights – Project Ideas

Link to Outside Resources (MASC has no ownership or control of outside resources)
50 Community Service Ideas for Teen Volunteers
32 Community Service Ideas for Teen Volunteers

Tobacco, Drugs, and Alcohol

Link to Outside Resources (MASC has no ownership or control of outside resources)


Addiction Resources
Addiction Recovery Guide
Addiction Center Help
Therapy Resources for Addiction Treatment
Addiction Recovery Guide
Helping an Addicted Loved One
Addiction Recovery Resources in the LGBTQ+ Community
Addiction Treatment Resources
Addiction Treatment Program Resources

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Rehab

Rehab Guide for Maryland
Drug Rehab in Maryland
Defining Wellness – Drug Detox Info
Maryland Inpatient Drug Rehab Facilities
10 Best Drug and Alcohol Rehabs in Maryland
Drug and Alcohol Detox Centers Directory
Alcohol Rehab Help
Drug Rehab for Teens and Young Adults
Drug Strategies
Heroin / Opioid Toolkit – MD State Dept. of Education
Benefits of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Adolescent Drug Treatment
Support for overcoming substance misuse
Songs About Addiction


How to Talk to Teens about Alcohol
Alcoholism Warning Signs
What to Know about Binge Drinking 
The Four Stages of Alcoholism: Pre, Early, Middle, and Late
Needing Alcohol Rehab?
Raising Alcoholism Awareness

The Vape Experiment
The Smell of Smoke – A Parents Guide to Cigarettes, Vaping, and Marijuana
Surprising facts about e-cigarettes/vapes and how to get help
Maryland teens can text “Ready” to 887-09 for e-cigarette quitting tips and support
Key facts and resources about e-cigarettes/vapes
Free, confidential, 24/7 support to quit tobacco for anyone ages 13+
Latest information from the Truth Initiative, including videos and ways to get involved
Design your vaping quit plan and get help quitting through an app, texting, or chat

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Leadership Resources (MASC handouts and workshop presentations)

Link to Outside Resources (MASC has no ownership or control of outside resources)

MASC Regions and Divisions

(listing and links)

National Student Council (NatStuCo)

(MASC has no ownership or control of outside resources)

Since 1931, the goal of the National Student Council (NatStuCo) has been to help all student councils become more effective organizations. NatStuCo represents middle-level and high- school councils nationwide. It seeks to provide a valuable leadership partnership between students and their schools. It creates an opportunity for students to become effective leaders, thus encouraging and influencing a positive school climate.

MASC’s Delegation to the NatStuCo LEAD Conference  
MASC and National Junior Honor Society Pamphlet
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Click on the SMOB link above to go to information about Student Members on Boards of Education around the state.


Maryland General Assembly (MASC has no ownership or control of outsider resources)

The General Assembly is Maryland’s legislative body and directly represents the electorate. The state has 47 districts represented by 47 Senators and 141 Delegates
Maryland General Assembly “Bills Flowchart” – how a bill becomes a law


Maryland State Board of Education (MASC has no ownership or control of outsider resources)

The Maryland State Board of Education (State Board) was organized in 1864 and, as the head of the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), has general control and supervision over public schools and the educational interests of the State.

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